петък, 5 април 2013 г.

Broters & Sisters

I luv tha fact got REAL Twin Sister and she play woozworld too! Actually while i'm writing this she's on my bed and reading the book that we must read for school! But she don't know that I'm writing about her ;P We dress same like we dress in real life but from 1 year we're wearing diffrent clothes -In real. Her favourite color is blue and mine is purpleWe live in one room and we on same years! We born on 6 January!
Belive me it's awsome to have sister on your years x3 She's my best friend, I can tell her everything! She is more normal than me xD But it's not only that your sister can help you with the homeworks and the life so much easier! Everytime I need help she's there. I don't fell alone! She always got the way to make me calm!She is always gonna be on my side no metter what I've done! It's not stupid to have sister! It's amazing! Everyone who got brothers or sisters and is reading this- Don't let nothing go between you and your brother/sister! Find way to be closer than everyone you else know! The feeling is awsome! To know you got someone to trust!Gosh I talked to much xD Bye and hope you get followed my advice ;)

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